So, I had to share these video's.. hilarious... I deleted em' from my phone prior to this post, but thank goodness for youTube!!! I can now share... wanted to post so I can look back and laugh randomly.. haha
Video from a night out at "Cantina" in P-town... Tim, of-course, was the entertainment this evening... Riley and him decided to "battle" it out... it's the worst rap/flow/battle I've ever witnessed in my entire life... haha... but it makes it even more entertaining....
Once again, another fun night at "cantina"... a homeless man was walking past... we bought him a couple drinks in return for the entertainment... he was awesome...
Lane with a tazer is never good news... especially when you pair that with his crazy buddies, lol... I ended up being more scared then they were.. and they actually zapped one another... thank goodness I didn't physically experience the effects of such an intense toy, ha.
My friend Jenny and I were bored one night... we pretended a stray dog was a baby "dingo"... lol, don't ask... but it was hilarious...
A random evening at the DeRoller's... miss them so much... typical Potter being a goofball... after swallowing about 10 budlights in no time... haha.. and ofcourse, Lane's encouraging him... ha
Jenny's Bday!!!!
Awe, Bubby!!!!!!
More Bubb's....
this is ALL Amber Jean! Basically a pile of randomness that evolves around my personality and my every day endeavors! Enjoy!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Oh Christmas tree....
So I had a wonderful trip home to KY to visit my family... It was just what I needed. I LOVE my lil' nephew.. he is incredibly smart--i'm such a proud Aunt ;) He knows every word to every Jason Aldean song in existence... he's a lil' cowboy... anyway, I had to share this video! :)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Amber Jean.
This is the song my daddy saw Neil Young perform on a talkshow---Neil young just had a little girl named "amber jean" and this song was about her... my mom's middle name is jean, and I guess my dad herd this and it just "fit".. hehe. I thought it was an interesting story...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
color code
Trying to decide on the best color scheme for accent pieces, etc. for my new bedroom. I have a dark grey comforter, ivory sheets, an awesome teal (shabby chic) mirror I found at the thrift store, and a cream dressor (shabby chic as well) that has just barely a dark pink/fuchsia undertone.. looks almost like a crackle finish.. but it's primarily a cream color...
Anyway, this is the color scheme i've decided i think i like the most!:
Anyway, this is the color scheme i've decided i think i like the most!:
I'd like this a little better (above) if the yellow were more soft in color.
i got the blues...
So, since I'm not in the greatest mood today.. issues with co-workers, roommates, a divorce, etc. I decided to bring my spirits up by listing the things that always make me happy, or that can brighten my mood!
1. My family: Living in VA and having ALL of my family almost 700 miles away from me pretty much, well..... SUCKS. Especially when going through hard times. Even a 5 minute phone call or random conversation with my mom, dad, or sis, or granny's always puts a smile on my face!
2. Sunshine! Now the time's changed and it becomes dark outside around 5pm. I hate it... A sunny day always perks me up!
3. Starbucks: A skinny french vanilla cappuccino... warms by tummy and my heart. :)
4. Being in L<3VE... although heartbreak stinks, when I'm on cloud 9, there's no place I'd rather be in the entire world!
1. My family: Living in VA and having ALL of my family almost 700 miles away from me pretty much, well..... SUCKS. Especially when going through hard times. Even a 5 minute phone call or random conversation with my mom, dad, or sis, or granny's always puts a smile on my face!
2. Sunshine! Now the time's changed and it becomes dark outside around 5pm. I hate it... A sunny day always perks me up!
3. Starbucks: A skinny french vanilla cappuccino... warms by tummy and my heart. :)
4. Being in L<3VE... although heartbreak stinks, when I'm on cloud 9, there's no place I'd rather be in the entire world!
5. Art: Drawing and sketching always takes my mind into a different place... I feel free. Same with photography! It's my passion!!!!
6. Junk Food: Although I feel like crap AFTER I indulge, I LOVE me some junk food... especially Chips and salsa, reece cups, ben and jerry's, fried pickles, cheese sticks, pizza, nacho's, and I'm a sucker for french fries...I could continue on with this list but it'd never end!!
7. Laziness: A good movie, my pj's, and being warm and snuggled up in my bed... always tops the cake!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Getting Stamped.. again!
So, I have a few tattoo's: One of a feather on my back that has a heart intertwined into the design, one that reads "La vita e bella" (life is beautiful in Italian), one on my wrist that reads "deo adiuvante" (life is beautiful in latin--I'm catholic), and one other tattoo on the back of my neck that turned out to be a huge mistake, but oh well.. it was supposed to be an abstract peacock feather (gone wrong)... it scabbed a lot and showering removed it and the ink never settled in my skin. I just tell everyone that's my battle wound, haha.. or a bug, either one works, lmao. Anyway, I have a few ideas for what I want next. I'm going home for Xmas and my dad and I are getting tattoo's together. He says I should get a "dad" tattoo, lol.. which I am "daddy's lil' girl" so I would actually do that.... but there's also another one I've been wanting for a while... a dandelion tattoo and I've also wanted a tatt of the abstract dove that was on the pamphlet for my papa's funeral... a memorial for him to say the least. Anyway, here are a few things I've researched and like the most... just gotta find a way to make it my own...
Ideas: Put some sort of lyric from the song he named me after, there for you my amber Jean by neil young.... (lyrics below)
Amber Jean lyrics
Every morning got sun to shine
Every day got plenty of time
Every night
there's a moon so fine
There for you, my Amber Jean.
Still some lines
that should get crossed
Still some coins
that might be tossed
Still some love
That hasn't been lostEvery morning got sun to shine
Every day got plenty of time
Every night
there's a moon so fine
There for you, my Amber Jean.
Still some lines
that should get crossed
Still some coins
that might be tossed
Still some love
There for you, my Amber Jean.
Amber Jean, oh, Amber Jean,
Prettiest eyes I've ever seen.
Every morning got sun to shine
Every day got plenty of time
Every night
there's a moon so fine
There for you, my Amber Jean.
Amber Jean, oh, Amber Jean,
Prettiest eyes I've ever seen.
Every morning got sun to shine
Every day got plenty of time
Every night
there's a moon so fine
There for you, my Amber Jean.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
i'm walkin on SUNshine!
Okay... well, not really, ofcourse.. but it would AT LEAST be nice for the opportunity to ENJOY the sunshine and beautiful weather on a saturday! Instead, I'm stuck behind a desk at work, ugh. Tomorrow, however, I AM most certainly going to the beach! I can't believe summer is almost over... A little over a month and then september, leaves changing color, cooler weather, and no more opportunities to dive into the warm salty ocean! i CAN'T WAIT..... gonna lay around in the sand, soak up the sun, enjoy the hot weather, take a dip or two in the ocean, and relax.... yessss
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Bubby... aka "Bubbs"... "Bubbles" (woof)
Married life is beyond sweet! I love my hubby, waking up next to him everyday, snuggling... or tanglin' up--that's what we call it, haha---and we even welcomed a new edition to the family.. Meet Bubby! I call him "Bubbles when I talk to him in that sweet voice.. it's impossible not to talk "sweet" to a little puppy at times... he's also known as "Bubbs"... he's a brindle boxer.. his brindle coat is actually reverse.. so I think he's unique!
Bubby napping with bear... :)
He cracks me up... look at how he lays?!?! haha
Rub dub time!!! haha.. he's a mess.... and so was I this time! LOL (see below)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
fUn HoUsE!
I discovered several websites and I wanted to post the link on my blog to share!!! These websites are AWESOME! Lots of HOME DECORATING ideas, diy projects, inspiration, crafty things, etc. Loves it! :) Hereeeeeeeee they areeeee!!!!
Okay... now this link has absolutely nothing to do with arts, crafts, design, etc... BUT, it does deal with saving money for all the above... LOTS of good stuff on here... discovered it while browsing and wanted to share as well: Wallet Pop
- Crafty Nest
- Shelter Pop
- Centsational Girl
- Design For Mankind
- Diggers List (The homeimprover's classifieds ;)
- its the little things that make a house a home
- Real Simple (you gotta love Martha, right tee hee :)
Okay... now this link has absolutely nothing to do with arts, crafts, design, etc... BUT, it does deal with saving money for all the above... LOTS of good stuff on here... discovered it while browsing and wanted to share as well: Wallet Pop
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
What a success!
Gosh, my wedding day was so beautiful... yet so surreal.. it went by way to fast. I remember leaving the reception with my HUBBY and wishing it would never end! Anyway, here is a preview of some of the photos my family sent to me.. I'm anxiously waiting for the pics from my photographer! I know they'll be amazing!!!! :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Memorial Weekend..
So, it is memorial weekend... and where am I? Sitting at my desk, working... finishing up plans for the wedding in 8 days... Lane is in New York City for fleet week on behalf of/in representation of-- the U.S. Navy. I always admired a soldier and commended them for what they do... But I never fully comprehended the extent of their duties--Now, I have a deeper appreciation for our military members. Even when they are not shooting a weapon at an enemy or being shipped to another country for our well-being, they are always representing our country and doing whatever it takes to make sure we have a decent life. On call, called last minute for a mission, on a mission, or at home... our military members have done MORE than they are recognized for and deserve much more than they settle for. Their duty is their job, and what they choose to do, yes... but we need to appreciate them more often than we do and show more gratitude for all the sacrifices they have made and continue to make every single day. happy memorial day to all.. and Lane, I am so proud of you and honored to be a part of your life. Thank you for all that you have done for myself, my loved ones, and every other person in our country. You are an amazing, strong, dedicated, and passionate man, and I commend you for all you have done for our country. I love you.
In closing, I found this quote quite interesting:
"The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem." -Aaron Kilbourn
In closing, I found this quote quite interesting:
"The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem." -Aaron Kilbourn
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tress TaLk...
So, now I've been doing some more thinking about my hair for the wedding... My appointment to get cut and color is in a week... and my friend Linds is doing it for me.. I'm going to have her do a couple styles as well to see what I like best for the wedding... Here are a few ideas I have... or what I like most..
Friday, May 20, 2011
A few lovey quotes...
I needed to make notations... these are quotes that spoke to me the most. I want to verse at least one short quote in my vows... here are a few i liked:
"In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life."
"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."-Robert Heinlein
"Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one."-John Keats
"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."-George Sand
"The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life."-Sir Hugh Walpole
"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly."-Sam Keen
Good News... thank you U.S. Navy.
So, the navy has pretty much kept lane and I on our toes in terms of certainty and excitement for our special day. What has been planned for almost a year, and known by the officers of the navy, has been put on a back burner and caused me to bite all 10 of my nails down to the brim (which took FOREVER to grow out, by the way), more stress than I ever imagined possible, stomach aches, head aches, anxiety, etc. They have no clue how their actions affect other people beyond themselves sometimes. Understandable that they have an image to protect, since military members are "property" of the united states governement (to say the least), BUT HELL FIRE!!! You would think they would at least try to help those who serve under them, bust their asses every single day, take shit from them on a daily basis, etc. But no... not until today, that is. We finally recieved a written confrimation that Lane's leave is APPROVED! He is leaving for fleet week on Sunday evening and I will not be able to see him until June 3rd.. possibly the 4th, depending on the plane ticket from NY to KY... and the wedding is JUNE 5th!!!!!! You know what this means now: Lots or working out, ZERO carbs, tanning bed, and some serious planning!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so incredibly relieved right now that our BIG DAY will actually happen... I can't wait to look lane in the eyes and tell him how incredibly special he is and how much he means to me... it will truely be the best day of my life, thus far. :)
p.s. My dearest blogger, thank you for giving me the opportunity to vent. xo
p.s. My dearest blogger, thank you for giving me the opportunity to vent. xo
So, I finally decided on my shoes for the wedding DAY! I'm going with my sneakers... something blue! ;)
The guys are wearing white vans, so it just made sense... and it's completely "US"... it fits our personality and our character... By the way, 15 more days until THE day! WoOoOoO!!!!!!
Here's a pic of my wedd day sneaks (below) and the LINK to purchase.
The guys are wearing white vans, so it just made sense... and it's completely "US"... it fits our personality and our character... By the way, 15 more days until THE day! WoOoOoO!!!!!!
Here's a pic of my wedd day sneaks (below) and the LINK to purchase.
Monday, May 16, 2011
20 days till!!!!!!
It's finally hitting me... WOW---20 days until the actual ceremony! I can't believe it! Almost a year ago, we set the date, and the time has seriously passed by so quickly! I'm just in shock! It's neat to see how all the little details are finally coming together, etc. Here's a few things we've done... Thanks to lane's mom, most of the decorations are picked out and taken care of for the reception tables:
Here are the napkins that we are putting at each chair and the centerpieces (most of the whole centerpiece decor anyway)...
Here are the napkins that we are putting at each chair and the centerpieces (most of the whole centerpiece decor anyway)...
Look how precious our little flower girls are!!! WAY too cute!!!! :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Guest Book!
I LOVE this idea... The guest book the wedding couple had on display when I went to my venue last week used a "wedding tree"... I took a video to explain it and found a kit that i absolutely love! Here's an example of the one I want to get for my reception...
Here's the LINK to purchase it
You get to pick the colors of the ink for the quests to use and the font color, etc. I just think it's too cute.. and so you can see what it looks like in person, here's the video that i recorded at Gingerwoods...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bunny Foo!
Haappy Easter to all! Wow--it was so refreshing to have a weekend in KY (my hometown)... The opportunity to spend time with my relatives has been prolonged and absurdly overdue. Being able to give my grandmothers, father, mother, sister, nephew, cousin, etc. a hug alone, is a blessing in itself.
It's funny how much we, as humanbeings, take for granted on a daily basis.... the opportunity to see the ones we love, eat certain foods (this "point" seemed vital to this "blog session" after visiting home for a holiday---I never get to EAT like I did today unless i come home... lol), be surrounded by joy, love, and comfort of knowing you're within arms reach of the people you miss so much for months at a time... sigh... coming "home" is bittersweet however... I enjoy the time I have to spend with the ones i love and continusously think of on a daily basiss, but when leaving--there is a void that was filled for a few days, then returns to a certain emptyness that is irreplaceable.
NOW, I have a new home... as I said, visits to KY are bittersweet... I love seeing my family, but when listening to some of the B.S. (pardon me) at times, I can't help but to think how wonderful it woudl be to sleep in my comfy bed next to my husband.... which i miss.... SO MUCH! Enough rambling, happy easter to all... and thanks for reading my crud. xoxo
It's funny how much we, as humanbeings, take for granted on a daily basis.... the opportunity to see the ones we love, eat certain foods (this "point" seemed vital to this "blog session" after visiting home for a holiday---I never get to EAT like I did today unless i come home... lol), be surrounded by joy, love, and comfort of knowing you're within arms reach of the people you miss so much for months at a time... sigh... coming "home" is bittersweet however... I enjoy the time I have to spend with the ones i love and continusously think of on a daily basiss, but when leaving--there is a void that was filled for a few days, then returns to a certain emptyness that is irreplaceable.
NOW, I have a new home... as I said, visits to KY are bittersweet... I love seeing my family, but when listening to some of the B.S. (pardon me) at times, I can't help but to think how wonderful it woudl be to sleep in my comfy bed next to my husband.... which i miss.... SO MUCH! Enough rambling, happy easter to all... and thanks for reading my crud. xoxo
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
home sweet home!
Our new "temp" apartment until we move to newport news in august... finally found a place... thank you jesus... I love it... it's almost like a gallery... if I had the money, I'd decorate the pad pretty badass!
Friday, April 15, 2011
oooooohhhh... ahhhh!
I love these lace covered mason jars... I think they're simple yet stunning!!! :) the candlelight will look amazing.. I want to try to make some for the reception tables... CLICK HERE for DIY instructions!!!
I love the simplicity of the flowers in the mason jar (below) ... sometimes, less is MORE.
and I LOVE peonies... they're so pretty and fluffy! (below) I love the color combo too in this photo.. the blue mason jar with the pink and yellow... it really makes all the colors POP.
Military Boys... lol
Since my hubby is in the Navy, I have an idea of how military men spend their free time... But this was an excellent example... I just had to share... LOL.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Moving on...!
Yup, Lane received his "orders" today... at first we were being shipped off to Portsmouth, NH... now, we are moving to Yorktown, VA, which is about an hour and a half from VA Beach, my current home. Sad that I will be slightly distant from all the people I've met here. It's just strange to finally adjust to moving to a completely new state, finally figureing out my way around here, and now it'll be time to learn all over again in August. I am relieved, however, knowing that I can now start planning. Before, it was a guessing game, frustrating, and highly stressful. How can you look for an apartment or enroll in school when you're not sure what city, or even state for that matter, you will have to move to... oh, the good ole' military life. It definitely has it's downfalls, but then again, several perks to pair along. Good thing i'm spontaneous by nature and enjoy change. I'd be a wreck, otherwise. We're looking for places in Newport News or Hampton... Lane said there's A LOT to do, so i'm happy about that... (below) my future home! :)
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